The mission of The Clinch Valley Soil and Water Conservation District is to conserve and restore the natural resources of the District for current and future generations by making conservation technical, financial, and educational assistance available and meaningful to all residents and ensuring equitable distribution of benefits and responsibilities.
Clinch Valley SWCD is a political subdivision of local government serving the citizens of Russell County, Virginia. We are led by an elected board of five dedicated and trustworthy directors and several knowledgeable and engaged associate directors. The District was founded on June 27, 1952 and has been diligently serving Russell County and its communities ever since.
We develop and implement management practices that will improve the water quality and conserve the soils of Russell County and the Commonwealth of Virginia, while assisting the agricultural community in the production of a quality product that maintains producer profitability and continues our farming heritage and quality of life.
We work entirely on a voluntary, non-regulatory basis to conserve and keep our water clean and keep our soils healthy and productive.